Hyperthyroidism: A Metabolism Disorder
A condition associated with parathyroid glands, Hyperthyroidism is a condition where excessive PTH (hormones) are secreted by the glands. Such hormones affect the calcium content in the bones of the human body, by displacing them to deposit in the blood. An increase in calcium levels in the blood is a serious cause of this disease which results in disorders such as kidney stones.Muscle weakness and fatigue constitute few of the early system of this disease. Consumption of calcium rich foods and hydrations is one way to keep the risk of catching this disease at bay.
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
Early symptoms of hyperthyroidism are not easy to detect, as they may or may not indicate the arrival of the disease in thyroid glands.
Enlarged Glands Osteoporosis Weakening of Bones Kidney stones Frequent & Excessive urination Abdominal pain Weakness forgetfulness Bone and joint pain Frequent complaints of illness with no apparent cause Nausea, vomiting or loss of appetite
What Causes Hyperthyroidism?
Graves’s disease, which is autoimmunity disorder whose occurrence is dependent on the location. Low level of dietary iodine in the diet Toxic multinodular goitre Inflammation in thyroids Excessive iodine intake Tumour of ovaries Excessive consumption of tetraiodothyronine as a supplement Family history
Types of Hyperthyroidism
Primary hyperparathyroidism
There are for types of parathyroid glands in the human body. If a problem is associated with all four glands, it is called Primary hyperparathyroidism. Reasons why it occurs:
A major cause is the growth of adenoma, a non-cancerous lump growth in the glands. Enlargement (hyperplasia) of the glands At times even cancerous tumour grows in, or around these glands. The condition may occur because of inheritance factor (from genes_ or randomly for no apparent reasons. Surgery is the best option for treating such diseases.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
The disease lowers the calcium levels in the bones where parathyroid glands suffer overworking and is unable to cope up with the loss in calcium levels if the body. Reasons why it occurs:
Calcium Deficiency: Our body demands a minimum certain percentage of calcium levels to keep the digestive levels intact. If we do not consume enough calcium, it might result in secondary hyperthyroidism. Y Vitamin D deficiency: Another component required by the body to maintain calcium levels intact for absorption (digestive system). If we don’t consume enough sunlight, the deficiency might lead up to the formation of disease. Chronic kidney failure: The role of the kidney is to convert vitamin D into a consumable form for the body. If our kidneys are no fit, and dysfunctioning, it might lead up to secondary hyperthyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism Treatment Types
Anti-thyroid medications. Beta blockers. … Surgery (Thyroidectomy)