The Best Methods in Fistulectomy Hyderabad For A Better Tomorrow
Fistulectomy Surgery is a procedure by which the fistulous tract is cut off completely. Fistula is the name used for an abnormal connection between any two organs or vessels that are not usually connected. Fistulas can get created in a range of locations all over the body. For example, a fistula can get created between the stomach and the duodenum, or between the rectum and surface of the skin.
Why Does A Fistula Develop?
Fistulas could develop for varied reasons, depending on the location of the fistula. Rectal and anal fistulas are commonly caused by bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Fistulas could be a complication of certain types of surgery or resulting from the traumatic physical injury.
Fistulectomy Surgery Procedure
A Fistulectomy Surgery is generally performed using a general anesthesia or a spinal. The surgery duration is 45-60 minutes. There are 3 main parts of a fistula to be identified starting the surgery. • The external opening, which is the anal opening around the outside. • The tract, which is the main connection between the external and internal openings. • The internal opening, which cannot be located before the surgery. A blue dye is at times is injected into the external opening to allow identification of the internal opening during surgery.
The fistulectomy consists of the removal or opening of the 3 components, which is achieved by dividing sphincter muscle as required. On locating the internal opening, the doctor will decide that how much of the sphincter muscle is cut or divided. This could lead to a risk of leakage or drainage after the wound has been healed.
Risk Factors In Post Operative Periods
The complications in a fistulectomy surgery could take place immediately after the operation or in the post operative period. There could be various complications after the surgery like urine retention, heavy bleeding, clot forming inside existing hemorrhoid and even fecal impaction. The main surgery problems are: • Infection- All the surgeries carry a small amount of risk of infection when an incision is created in the skin, along with the fistulectomy procedure. In some fistula surgical methods, the procedure may have to be completed in many stages. In such cases, infection of the fistula tract may spread all over the body and cause systemic infection. Antibiotics are required to treat infection associated with fistula surgery. In the case of severe infection, hospital treatment may be required to allow intravenous administration of the antibiotics. • Fecal Incontinence- Fistula surgery could damage the muscles of the anal sphincter. These are responsible for tightening around the anus to control bowel movements. When the sphincter damage occurs, the strength of the muscles is reduced. There could be some loss of control of the bowels, leading to the leaking of feces from the rectum. This called fecal or bowel incontinence. • Recurrence of fistula- In a few cases, the fistula could recur after the surgery. An estimation says that the recurrence rate is approximately 7-21%, primarily depending on the type of fistula
The cases could get the best results from Fistulectomy Surgery Hyderabad by consulting Dr. Venu Gopal Pareek to reduce the risks involved in surgical cases.