One of the biggest fears of patients undergoing weight-loss surgery is regaining weight. It is understandable because almost every patient who has experienced a weight-loss operation has become a yo-yo dieter at some point during their weight loss journey. It’s not uncommon for a candidate who underwent surgery to talk about losing 10 pounds, 20…

India will soon have dubious differences leading the world with the highest number of people with diabetes. According to estimates, by 2030, it is expected to be 87 million. These Indians have a limited lifestyle and are at high risk of having a heart attack and vision loss, kidney failure, nerve damage, high blood pressure,…

Do you know for every 10 seconds someone in the world dies from the complications associated with diabetes? It has become one of the leading causes of death. Nearly 90% of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the most common form of diabetes which is responsible for excessive body fat. Researchers say that by 2030,…

Are you experiencing intense pain in the abdomen area, which is giving you a hard time sitting still in a comfortable position? Are you running high temperatures with chills? Does it hurt in abdomen post eating? If you are suffering from all the above, then it is high time to consult a doctor to seek…