The world is dealing with a new virus known as Coronavirus Disease 19 or COVID-19. COVID-19 spreads rapidly from person-to-person via contact. It can stay alive and become infected on surfaces for several days. COVID-19 is causing our hospitals and health systems to be burdened by the number of people who are critically ill. If…

According to WHO guidelines, if the BMI is greater than 35, then a person is morbidly obese. Bariatric surgery is an operation that helps obese people lose weight. The cost of bariatric surgery in India ranges between Rs. 2 to Rs 5 lakhs, and the implants alone cost around Rs. 1.25 lakhs. Overcoming obesity may…

Obesity can have many factors that contribute to it. Various reasons could be genetics, lifestyle, disease, lack of exercise etc. Long-term weight loss can be challenging to achieve with just diet and exercise alone. Most candidates tend to gain weight quickly. For this reason, people are looking for weight loss methods that work best for…

Obesity is a problem that develops in people of all ages, including the elderly. Although there are preventive steps to control and treat obesity in the elderly, weight-loss surgery is also done for people over 65 years of age. A new study shows that weight loss surgery can be beneficial for older people to achieve…

Healthy exercise habits are a vital component of long-term outcomes in people who have had bariatric surgery. Exercise not only helps you lose weight but also stimulates the production of a hormone that feels good, called endorphins. Exercise also helps keep muscles tight and healthy, strengthen and balance them , increase energy and improve quality…

Obesity has a high prevalence in India, with changing lifestyles and India is known as the third largest obese country in the world. Many physiological and psychological factors contribute to obesity, but it is often misunderstood. No two people have the same metabolism and body type, hence the same procedure may not work for everyone….

One of the biggest fears of patients undergoing weight-loss surgery is regaining weight. It is understandable because almost every patient who has experienced a weight-loss operation has become a yo-yo dieter at some point during their weight loss journey. It’s not uncommon for a candidate who underwent surgery to talk about losing 10 pounds, 20…

Did all your other attempts at weight loss treatments fail? Are you ready to have surgery to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle successfully? Are you ready to change your life? Then your option is to have sleeve Gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and other weight-loss operations, commonly known as bariatric surgery. It involves changes in the…

Well, one of the most frequently asked questions by patients to obesity surgeons is what type of diet and lifestyle they need to follow after Bariatric surgery. Most bariatric surgeons offer their patients tailored nutrition plans based on the type of surgery performed and the patient’s unique health and lifestyle factors. Maintaining adequate bariatric nutrition…

A lot of weight-loss techniques have been introduced in recent years to help lose weight. Similarly, bariatric surgery also contributes to weight loss in many ways that lower your risk of medical problems associated with obesity. There are different bariatric surgeries that help in weight loss in two main ways: Restrictive: Surgery that limits the…