Obesity can have many factors that contribute to it. Various reasons could be genetics, lifestyle, disease, lack of exercise etc. Long-term weight loss can be challenging to achieve with just diet and exercise alone. Most candidates tend to gain weight quickly. For this reason, people are looking for weight loss methods that work best for…

Obesity and diabetes are currently the most common chronic, debilitating diseases in the world. These diseases are associated closely and also difficult to control by existing treatment options. It is evident that bariatric procedures, mostly gastric bypass (GB) procedure, can help to cure Diabetes Mellitus in morbidly obese patients. At present, according to experts, bariatric…

Well, one of the most frequently asked questions by patients to obesity surgeons is what type of diet and lifestyle they need to follow after Bariatric surgery. Most bariatric surgeons offer their patients tailored nutrition plans based on the type of surgery performed and the patient’s unique health and lifestyle factors. Maintaining adequate bariatric nutrition…

Bariatric surgery is the only efficacious long term solution for weight loss in a morbidly obese group of individuals. This operation works not only by mechanically restricting the amount of food consumed at one time, but also leads to certain hormonal changes within the body which boost metabolism and promotes weight loss. Obesity is often…